SA Veterinary Sonography / Adelaide Mobile Ultrasound

pregnancy/urogenital ultrasound


Pregnancy ultrasound is a safe and accurate method of diagnosing pregnancy, in addition to assessing gestational age and fetal viability. Most pregnancy ultrasounds are performed at day 25-35, however detection may be as early as 10 days post-mating. It is important to bear in mind that ultrasound cannot give an accurate fetal count.

Urogenital ultrasound is requested in some instances and is specific to the urogenital tracts. Urogenital scans are generally only performed when the clinician is supicious of pyometron (infection within the uterus) or diseases specific to the urinary tract such as bladder stones. It is important to bear in mind that pathology elsewhere in the abdomen may not be detected without a comprehensive abdominal ultrasound. A complete abdominal ultrasound which evaluates all of the abdominal organs is always preferable.